
SDS Thursdays 2024


Our hugely popular SDS THURSDAYS continue to attract large audiences. New dates have been confirmed for 2024.

They are hosted by Julia Budnik and led by Paul Grantham, one of the best tutors in the UK on the selected topics. We will also continue to invite selected guests to participate in our meetings.

Join us live on Thursdays at 19.00 on Zoom, bring your questions on the topics and make these sessions into useful mini-tutorials.


Save the dates:

  • NEW! 5 September 2024 | Healing Through Humour | Meet Internationally Acclaimed writer/comedian Alison Larkin and Learn about her Approach to Grief and Loss

Alison Larkin is an English American comedian, novelist, actress, and a prolific audiobook narrator. Her bestselling autobiographical novel The English American about an English woman finding her birth mother in the United States was a Vogue Most Powerful Book of the Season. The audiobooks won her the first of 17 AudioFile Earphones awards for excellence in audiobook narration. Since then, Alison has recorded over 200 audiobooks including The Complete Novels of Jane Austen and Julia's book A Mole Like No Other.

This year Alison returns to the UK with the world premiere of "Grief... A Comedy", a funny, life-affirming, show about love, loss and hope. Alison found true love for the first time in her 50s with an Indian climate scientist who had also immigrated to the US. Then he died. Then something wildly unexpected happened. Archbishop Desmond Tutu knew Alison and her work and when he found out what happened, he encouraged her to return to writing and comedy to make sure her story was told as widely as possible. So she did. Since then Alison has written a book of the same name, which tells the story of what happened next when, six weeks after Bhima died, he showed up at her kitchen table, determined to help her find love again. It's an imaginary story. Or is it?

Paul and Julia were lucky to be amongst the first views of it in London, and Paul was the first to lead a standing ovation when it finished.

Alison has now performed her show at the Edinburgh Fringe and is about to start her UK tour. Watch a preview here.

Read a great review of Alison's play Grief... A Comedy in The Times, if you are a subscriber: Click Here.

You can also read it by clicking here.

We are very lucky to have Alison with us tonight, she will talk about her extraordinary life and answer our questions about dealing with loss, adoption, self-doubt and success.

  • 26 September 2024 | NEW! Empty Nest Syndrome (ENS) | A presentation and Q&A with Paul Grantham on this brand new course

    Two separate 2021 surveys indicated that between 47% and 98% of parents experience ENS when they children leave home. Panic attacks and sleeplessness occurred in 17%, 30% increased their alcohol consumption and 18% raised concerns about the stability of their relationship with their partner. If you are working with any of these kinds of problems maybe you should be thinking about enhancing your skills in this area. There are multiple issues that this event arises – from the general issue of loss/grief through to challenges to beliefs regarding identity, role and the lack of a buffer for other issues. Come along for a brief overview of the factors and the role you can play in addressing them.

  • 3 October 2024 | Meet Your Tutor: Professor Nuno Ferreira on ACT | Q&As with Nuno Ferreira

    Nuno runs the BPS Approved Certificate in Acceptance & Commitment Therapy for SDS Seminars, which will run fully LIVE next year. He also offers a series of Masterclasses, one of which runs in October: ACT for Managing Chronic Pain. He is one of the most popular SDS Tutors, come and meet him tonight, before booking on one of his courses.

  • 24 October 2024 | NEW! SFT for Complex Trauma | With Paul Grantham

    Complex Trauma in the form of multiple and/or ongoing trauma is a common experience for clients. It exists in many forms from sexual abuse to witnessing or experiencing repeated violence and many forms in between. Therapists are often aware of its existence but frequently feel challenged regarding how to work with it. It is not uncommon for clients to disengage because of lack of trust or distress or for both client and therapist to feel stuck and unable to move forward. Discover how you can integrate Solution Focused Therapy into your work to provide refreshing new perspectives and insights into your work in this

  • 21 November 2024 | Psychotherapy Greats: Carl Rogers | With Andrew Reeves and Paul Grantham

Now on YouTube @ SDS Psychotherapy Training

  • Narcissism: What you probably didn't know | Presentation and Quiz with Paul Grantham

  • Do you have a book in you? | By popular demand. Navigate the treacherous sea of self-publishing with Julia B. Grantham, the author of two recent Amazon best-sellers for children A Mole Like No Other and Moley and the Mysterious Sea Turtles and publish your first book!

  • 20 June 2024 | Are you familiar with Mruk's Model of Self Esteem? | A presentation and discussion with Paul Grantham

  • Cultural Competency and CBT with the Hong Kong Chinese Community | A recent article by Paul Grantham's supervisee, Dr Kwun Chang. Link to the full article:

  • Should trigger warnings be abolished and why? | Presentation and Discussion with Paul Grantham

  • Psychotherapy Greats: Steve De Shazer’s Anniversary | Video illustration & Discussion with Paul Grantham

  • Acceptance or Change? Are you focusing on the right thing with your clients? | Q&A with Paul Grantham

  • Impostor Syndrome, Safety Behaviours and how to tackle them | Presentation & Large Group Exercise with Paul Grantham

  • Therapy in the Spotlight – How do we know if therapy works or whether it damages | New Scientist article with Paul Grantham

  • SDS Christmas Special | New Adventures of Moley and What He’s Got to do with Psychotherapy | Interview with Author Julia B. Grantham

  • One technique that will reduce procrastination more than any other | Presentation & Large Group Exercise with Paul Grantham

  • Want to get more out of your supervisor? Here’s how! | Presentation and Q&A with Dr Andrew Beck

  • Clinical Supervision Recent Research Results | Q&As with Alan Smithson and Paul Grantham

  • And many MANY others since 2020 - Watch, Learn, Subscribe, Like, Comment

Registration required! Register on the Home page of SDS website (blue background) under "Sign up here for SDS Thursdays & to receive our news and promotions"

For our latest offers CLICK HERE

See you there, these meetings are absolutely free!