The Certificate is based on Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) as developed by Dr Marsha Linehan. The course is designed to provide a detailed training in the “taught elements” of DBT as well as guidance support in their practical application and maintenance through the establishment of Consult Groups.
The Certificate is based on Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) as developed by Dr Marsha Linehan. The course is designed to provide a detailed training in the “taught elements” of DBT as well as guidance support in their practical application and maintenance through the establishment of Consult Groups.
For obtaining the BPS Approved Certificate each delegate will need to attend the modules of the Certificate plus pass the online test with min 80% result.
Learning outcomes and objectives:
- Delegates will have an overview of understanding of DBT including its applicability historical development and theoretical underpinnings;
- Delegates will learn how to recognise Borderline Personality Disorder and symptoms and behaviours associated with it;
- Delegates will understand the nature and importance of the Commitment stage of DBT and practice the use of techniques and strategies to facilitate it;
- Delegates will understand the nature and importance of Validation within DBT and practice the use of techniques and strategies associated with it;
- Delegates will understand the nature and importance of Mindfulness in DBT and practice the use of Mindfulness and its appropriate application;
- Delegates will understand the nature and importance of behaviour therapy within DBT and practice the use of techniques and strategies associated with it;
- Delegates will understand the nature and importance of Contingency Management within DBT and practice the use of skills associated with it;
- Delegates will understand the nature and Problem Solving Skills within DBT and practice the use of techniques and strategies associated with it;
- Delegates will understand the nature and importance of Exposure techniques within DBT and practice the use of such techniques;
- Delegates will learn the Dialectical and Stylistic strategies and skills associated with DBT and practice their use;
- Delegates will understand the nature and importance of Consult Groups within DBT and how they should be used to address the challenges of working with BPD clients;
- Delegates will learn how to assess and appropriately manage suicidal and self-harming behaviour within a DBT approach;
- Delegates will learn how to assess and appropriate manage the termination of therapy within DBT.
What is the target audience?
Psychologists, Therapists, Counsellors, OTs, Nurses, Doctors, Arts Therapist, Social Workers, Probation Officers.
Course outline
BPS Approved Certificate in Dialectical Behaviour Therapy:
Module 1:
DBT Introductory Course
- Dialectical Behaviour Therapy - 2 Days, 14 Hours
Module 2:
DBT Skills Training Groups (STG):
- DBT Skills Training Groups: Distress Tolerance - 1 Day, 7 Hours
- DBT Skills Training Groups: Emotional Regulation - 1 Day, 7 Hours
- DBT Skills Training Groups: Interpersonal Effectiveness - 1 Day, 7 Hours
- Mindfulness: How to use it with your clients - 2 Days, 14 Hours
- Online Exam - 4 Hours
Module 3:
Assessed casebook assignment, consult group attendance, reports and test
Participants will be asked over a period of subsequent 6 - 24 months following Module 2 to:
- Take on at least one individual DBT client
- Provide part of a videoed session with a client demonstrating the use of at least three commitment building strategies during the commitment phase
- Deliver at least one complete cycle of a DBT skills training group (confirmatory reference required)
- Attend consult group regularly with monthly reports to the course tutor. The consult group must represent an existing DBT Team. *
- Complete assigned reading
- Complete a DBT casebook. The case book should have relevant contributions from other DBT Team members.*
- Prepare a presentation of the casebook*
The course tutor will provide UNLIMITED email support during the 6 months period.
Casebooks forwarded for marking to SDS at least 14 days before meeting the course tutor again.
The meeting with the course tutor will cover your presentation of the casebook, feedback on casebook, consult group reports and video submission.
*Format of these and the estimated assessment fee to be provided on signing up.
SDS Accreditation in DBT consists of three levels:
- SDS Accreditation in DBT, Level 1 (Foundation)
- SDS Accreditation in DBT, Level 2 (Advanced Assessed Academic Competence)
- SDS Accreditation in DBT, Level 3 (Clinical Proficiency)
You can stop at any level, according to your learning needs.
If you are planning to complete Level 3, you need to be sure that you are a part of existing DBT consult group. The consult group must represent an existing DBT Team. This level is most suitable for in-house training of existing teams.
Certificate Payment Options
Spread the cost - pay per course as you go along (price does not include Module 3 - please email us for further details):
Total RRP £1115+ vat (£1338)
Book Module 1 and 2 together and save:
Total course price includes:
- Dialectical Behaviour Therapy: Two-Day Introductory Course - 2 Days, 14 Hours
- Essential DBT Skills: Running Skills Training Groups - 3 Days, 21 Hours
- Mindfulness: How to use it with your clients - 2 Days, 14 Hours
- Online Exam - 4 Hours
Total price for booking these modules together: £960 + vat (£1152)
Module 3: As this module requires a lot of personalised one-to-one work with a tutor, it should be signed up for separately and an individual teaching plan will be agreed for every student undertaking module three. Price on submission of collected evidence based on the number or hours for the assessing tutor.
SDS Accreditation in DBT consists of three levels:
- SDS Accreditation in DBT, Level 1 (Foundation)
- SDS Accreditation in DBT, Level 2 (Advanced Assessed Academic Competence)
- SDS Accreditation in DBT, Level 3 (Clinical Proficiency)
You can stop at any level, according to your learning needs.
If you are planning to complete Level 3, you need to be sure that you are a part of existing DBT consult group. The consult group must represent an existing DBT Team. This level is most suitable for in-house training of existing teams.
SDS Accreditation in DBT, Level 1 (Foundation) is the level of accreditation you obtain by attending the SDS’ DBT Introductory Course (2 days) via live training or live/recorded webcast.
This level of accreditation gives you a Certificate of Attendance, as well as access to the course materials and other resources, and enables you to state in your CV that you have SDS Accreditation in DBT Level 1 (Foundation).
Your accreditation currently lasts for 3 years, after which you cannot make the above statements and access course resources.
This level of accreditation is renewable by sitting an online refresher course or attending a live course/webcast.
SDS Accreditation in DBT, Level 2 (Advanced Assessed Academic Competence) means you have undertaken training as in Level 1, completed all training courses within the Module 2 of DBT Certificate and also passed the online exam.
This level of accreditation gives you a Certificate of Completion with Advanced Assessed Academic Competence, as well as access to the course materials and other resources. It also enables you to state in your CV that you have SDS Accreditation in DBT Level 2 (Advanced Assessed Academic Competence) and can use qualification, DBTAccred. (AAAC) in your title.
Your accreditation currently lasts for 3 years, and is renewable by sitting an online refresher or attending a live course/webcast. Successful completion of the online refresher, which includes the associated exam, maintains your SDS Level 2 Accreditation.
SDS Accreditation in DBT, Level 3 (Clinical Proficiency) requires completion of the Module 2 of the Certificate in DBT plus a Module 3:
Assessed casebook assignment, consult group attendance, reports and test
Participants will be asked over a period of subsequent 6-24 months following Module 2 to:
- Take on at least one individual DBT client
- Provide part of a videoed session with a client demonstrating the use of at least three commitment building strategies during the commitment phase
- Deliver at least one complete cycle of a DBT skills training group (confirmatory reference required)
- Attend consult group regularly with monthly reports to the course tutor*
- Complete assigned reading
- Complete a DBT casebook*
- Prepare a presentation of the casebook*
The course tutor will provide UNLIMITED email support during the 6 month period.
Casebooks forwarded for marking to SDS at least 14 days before meeting the course tutor again.
The meeting with the course tutor will cover feedback on casebook, consult group reports and video submission.
This level of accreditation gives you a Certificate of Completion with Clinical Proficiency, as well as access to the course materials and other resources. It also enables you to state in your CV that you have SDS Accreditation in DBT Level 3 (Clinical Proficiency) with Assessed Academic and Clinical Competence and use the qualification, DBTAccred. (CP) in your title.
Also at this level you can gain Access to SDS’ Network of Qualified DBT Practitioners.
Your accreditation currently lasts for 3 years, and is renewable by undertaking the Level 3 refresher components discussed individually with the course tutor.
*Format of these to be provided on signing up.