Running CBT Groups – New, Updated

Can be taken as an individual course or as a part of:

Approved by the British Psychological Society for the purposes of Continuing Professional Development (CPD).

1 day 9:30am – 4:30pm 7 CPD hours

Course Brief


This is one of the very few courses that provides the knowledge and skills for running structured short term psychoeducational, skills training groups – whether for 2nd or 3rd wave CBT (inc. ACT, CFT and DBT groups).

This course is part of the training programme that enables you to complete the BPS Approved Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. You can build up gradually your CBT training portfolio by attending all the courses within the programme at the pace that suits you. All your training hours will be calculated, recorded in an individual validated log and accumulated towards your full Diploma.


This is one of the very few courses that provides the knowledge and skills for running structured short term psychoeducational, skills training groups – whether for 2nd or 3rd wave CBT (inc. ACT, CFT and DBT groups).

The majority of the literature on groups typically focuses on process and dynamics alone or simply assumes that skills training groups operate like classrooms. Neither of these are appropriate for the short-term structured CBT groups.

This course addresses a range of issues, including:

  • Do groups “work” in tackling client problems or are they simply a way of increasing contact numbers and reducing waiting lists? What does the research say about how effective they are compared to 1:1 work?
  • A 17 point “Preparation Checklist”. The wisdom that “If you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail” was never more true than when you are planning to run a group. This invaluable checklist will enable course participants to prevent a number of group problems whilst also allow the development of strategies regarding factors outside a group leader’s control.
  • How long should group sessions be, how many sessions and over what time span. An 8-week 1.5 hr set of sessions is only one option - with its own strengths and weaknesses.
  • Running groups in-the-room vs via Teams or Zoom? The pros and cons and the very different issues each raise.
  • The skill set for running groups is radically different from the skill set needed for 1:1 work. This course identifies the skills needed and how to develop them further.
  • Running a group by yourself…or with a co-leader? A good working relationship with a group co-facilitator is essential. You will learn how to achieve these
  • How do you record group sessions? Names of attendees only? Individual client changes over time? What about a record for the group as a whole?
  • Difficult group members and whole groups that are difficult. Discover a host of little-known strategies for ensuring that your group runs smoothly and that participants are engaged and find your group valuable

This Course is now available as a full recording with an online test via SDS Online Video Training (OVT)

Title: Running CBT Groups – New, Updated

Modality: CBT

CPD Hours Attached: 7 CPD Hours


Click here for the full SDS Accreditation terms for the BPS Approved Master Practitioner Diploma in CBT:

Course Tutor

Paul Grantham
Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Founder and Director of SDS Seminars, a Senior Associate of The Royal Society of Medicine, Accredited CBT Therapist

Paul Grantham, Chartered Clinical Psychologist, a Senior Associate of The Royal Society of Medicine, Accredited CBT Therapist. He is the Founder and Director of SDS Ltd and one of the most popular and inspirational tutors in the field of psychological skills training.


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