After a short summer recess our hugely popular SDS Thursdays on Zoom are back!
Save the dates:
- 20 August 2020 - with Professor Windy Dryden on Single Session Therapy;
- 03 September 2020 - with Dr Andrew Beck, BABCP President, on how to prevent therapist burnout;
- 17 September 2020 - with Professor Nuno Ferreira on the essential ACT toolkit;
- 01 October 2020 - with Deb Dana, LCSW, a clinician and consultant specializing in working with complex trauma and Coordinator of the Traumatic Stress Research Consortium at the Kinsey Institute, Indiana University, on polyvagal theory in work with trauma survivors.
- 22 October 2020 - trainer TBC;
- 05 November 2020 - with Professor Paul Grantham on use of Socratic Questioning in your practice;
- 26 November 2020 - trainer TBC.
Start time - 19.00 UK time.
Duration - 45 min approx.
Registration required! Register on the Home page of SDS website: see the image above for your guidance.
See you there, these meetings are absolutely free!