Final Assignment for BPS Approved Master Practitioner Diploma in CBT

Approved by the British Psychological Society for the purposes of Continuing Professional Development (CPD).

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Course Brief

If you read this page, you have, most likely, already completed SDS' BPS Approved Master Practitioner Diploma in CBT.

This final Assignment is designed to help you demonstrate your ability to apply the learning you have proved at Level 3 to a clinical situation in a considered way and to confirm your clinical Competence as a CBT practitioner and to ensure that your practice is regularly supervised and meets required standards.

To obtain SDS Accreditation, Level 4 (Master Practitioner in CBT, Proficiency) you need to complete BPS Approved Master Practitioner Diploma in CBT and also submit and pass the following:

  • A work-based Assignment set by SDS of between 4,000 and 5,000 words. The assignment is designed to help you demonstrate your ability to apply the learning you have proved at Level 3 to a clinical situation in a considered way. For more details - see the Outline tab.

  • A written Statement from your Clinical Supervisor confirming the regularity and duration of your supervision with them and your Competence as a clinician practicing CBT. Your Clinical Supervisor should meet our qualification criteria. The purpose of this statement is to confirm your clinical Competence as a CBT practitioner and to ensure that your practice is regularly supervised and meets required standards.

  • These should be submitted within 6 Months of payment for the module and within 5 years of completing the Master Practitioner Diploma in CBT.

This level of accreditation gives you a BPS Approved Master Practitioner Diploma in CBT, and enables you to state in your CV that you have Level 4 (Proficiency) Accreditation as a Master Practitioner in CBT and use MPCBT(P) qualification in your title.

You will also be given an option to be listed in the SDS Register of CBT Practitioners – our Professional Network of CBT Practitioners.

Your accreditation currently lasts for 5 years, after which you cannot make the above statements and access course resources. This level of accreditation is renewable by continuing training in CBT with SDS Seminars after the completion of your Certificate. (Full list of the appropriate training courses is available from SDS Seminars Ltd).

About your Assignment:

The purpose of the project is to illustrate that you can apply the academic knowledge and skills gained from the Master Practitioner Diploma in CBT course to your work with clients.

It is a small quantitative research project relating to an aspect of CBT. This can be either:

- Process or outcome research-based single case study or a CBT group.

Prior experience and knowledge of simple experimental design and statistical analysis is required. The “write up” should BROADLY follow the format indicated in university guides to writing up psychology research projects. For guidance - CLICK HERE


- A qualitative report comparing either the published research and/or content of the Master Practitioner Diploma in CBT course to the delegate’s own experience of using CBT within their own practice.


  • Similarities and differences between research/academic content and practitioner experience should be highlighted and discussed.

  • External (e.g. organisational/professional body) and internal (e.g. emotional/ethical) constraints on practice should be illustrated along with how those constraints were managed.

  • The role that CBT supervision has played in the practitioner's development and practice with specific examples

  • Learning points from the above should be indicated along with how this will influence the practitioner’s subsequent practice.

It should be sent by email to [] in written form (4,000 - 5,000 words). It is then forwarded to one of our SDS tutors for feedback.

A simple PASS/FAIL assessment is produced by the tutor.

In the event of a “Fail”, detailed feedback is provided. Qualitative feedback should be reflected on and incorporated into the student’s further submissions. In case of a failure of your first submission you have an opportunity for ONE further submission within the module’s fee. If your second submission fails, you will have to pay your assignment module fee again.

SDS Accreditation, Level 4

SDS Accreditation, Level 4 (Master Practitioner in CBT, Clinical Proficiency) is as Level 3, with the addition of:

  • A work-based assignment set by SDS of between 4,000 and 5,000 words. The assignment is designed to help you demonstrate your ability to apply the learning you have proved at Level 3 to a clinical situation in a considered way. You receive feedback on the case you submit, regardless of whether or not it reaches the required standard.

  • A written statement from your Clinical Supervisor confirming the regularity and duration of your supervision with them and your Competence as a clinician practicing CBT. Your Clinical Supervisor should meet our qualification criteria. The purpose of this statement is to confirm your clinical Competence as a CBT practitioner and to ensure that your practice is regularly supervised and meets required standards.

This level of accreditation gives you a BPS Approved Master Practitioner Diploma in CBT, and enables you to state in your CV that you have Level 4 (Clinical Proficiency) Accreditation as a Master Practitioner in CBT and use MPCBT(CP) qualification in your title.

You will also be given an option to be listed in the SDS Register of CBT Practitioners – our Network of Qualified CBT Practitioners.

Your accreditation currently lasts for 5 years, after which you cannot make the above statements and access course resources. This level of accreditation is renewable by continuing training in CBT with SDS Seminars after the completion of your Certificate. (Full list of the appropriate training courses is available from SDS Seminars Ltd).

Course Tutor

Paul Grantham
Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Founder and Director of SDS Seminars, a Senior Associate of The Royal Society of Medicine, Accredited CBT Therapist

Paul Grantham, Chartered Clinical Psychologist, a Senior Associate of The Royal Society of Medicine, Accredited CBT Therapist. He is the Founder and Director of SDS Ltd and one of the most popular and inspirational tutors in the field of psychological skills training.