Course Brief
The day is dedicated to the detailed discussion on standards of personal conduct and ethical behaviour expected from CBT practitioners. We will try to find whether there are any guidelines available to therapists, how to implement them and look into the issues that regularly crop up in everyday practice. If you have any personal dilemmas or often find the particular issues difficult to deal with – bring them along – this is the perfect day to address them.
Come, reflect and be periodically surprised by the things you might discover.
This course is part of the training programme that enables you to complete the BPS Approved Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. You can build up gradually your CBT training portfolio by attending all the courses within the programme at the pace that suits you. All your training hours will be calculated, recorded in an individual validated log and accumulated towards your full Diploma.
Issues covered include:
- Who do guidelines apply to and not apply to?
- The degree to which a therapist’s personal behaviour (as well as their professional) are deemed to be regulated
- How the question of client confidentiality works in practice
- How ethical guidelines apply not just to yourself but also the way you deal with and are responsible for other professionals involved in your work
- Acceptable and unacceptable terms you can use to describe yourself as a CBT practitioner
- Where and when it is acceptable to see clients
- And many other topics…
This Course is now available as a full recording with an online test via SDS Online Video Training (OVT)
Title: Personal Awareness and Ethical Behaviour in CBT
Modality: CBT
CPD Hours Attached: 7 CPD Hours
Click here for the full SDS Accreditation terms for the BPS Approved Master Practitioner Diploma in CBT: https://skillsdevelopment.co.uk/certificates/cbt_diploma/