Course Brief
This one day course provides training on the application of CBT to Phobias. The day covers simple phobias as well as agoraphobia, theories of phobic reactions and a range of CBT interventions as they apply to these anxiety based problems.
This course is part of the training programme that enables you to complete the BPS Approved Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. You can build up gradually your CBT training portfolio by attending all the courses within the programme at the pace that suits you. All your training hours will be calculated, recorded in an individual validated log and accumulated towards your full Diploma.
Issues covered include:
- Types of phobic reaction and demographics
- Conditioning and cognitive theories of phobic reactions inc. preparedness and observational learning
- Clark & Wells theory of social phobia
- The principle and practicalities of graded exposure (imaginal and live)
- The role of behavioural experiments in challenging safety behaviours
- Addressing negative cognitions and selective attention issues
Areas covered include:
- Assessment and formulation
- A brief history of theories of phobia development - from simple to complex
- A clear evidence protocol for assessment and formulation
- Imaginal vs live exposure - what to use when and how
- Key practical tips for successful exposure...but why exposure is not enough
- Addressing safety behaviours and how they differ from coping strategies
- Strategies for shifting attentional focus
- Using feedback and addressing post-exposure ruminations
This Course is now available as a full recording with an online test via SDS Online Video Training (OVT)
Title: Working with Phobias
Modality: CBT
CPD Hours Attached: 7 CPD Hours
Click here for the full SDS Accreditation terms for the BPS Approved Master Practitioner Diploma in CBT: https://skillsdevelopment.co.uk/certificates/cbt_diploma/