Course Brief
This two day course provides training on the application of CBT to Social Anxiety.
This course is part of the training programme that enables you to complete the BPS Approved Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. You can build up gradually your CBT training portfolio by attending all the courses within the programme at the pace that suits you. All your training hours will be calculated, recorded in an individual validated log and accumulated towards your full Diploma.
Issues Covered Include:
- Diagnostic criteria, symptoms and demographics
- Beck et al (1985), Clark & Wells (1995) models
- Assessing and formulating clients’ Anticipatory Phase – Selective attention to contextual cues, effortful processing and its effects
- Assessing and formulating clients’ Situational Exposure Phase – Automatic Inhibitory behaviours (eg. blushing etc), ineffective safety behaviours (eg. avoidance of eye contact) and heightened self focus as a social object ( fear of disapproval/shame)
- Assessing and formulating Post Event Processing – Biased recall and negative appraisals of past social performance with accompanying feelings of shame and embarrassment
- Demonstration of assessment and formulation
- The use of cognitive restructuring to address Anticipatory Phase problems (Demonstration and practice)
- Developing clients’ Attentional Focus Shift during the client’s Situational Exposure Phase (Demonstration and practice)
- Moderating client assumptions through the use of video feedback and behavioural experiments
- The use of exposure to social mishaps
- Moderating Post Event cognitive processing (Demonstration and practice)
This Course is now available as a full recording with an online test via SDS Online Video Training (OVT)
Title: Working with Social Anxiety
Modality: CBT
CPD Hours Attached: 14 CPD Hours
Click here for the full SDS Accreditation terms for the BPS Approved Master Practitioner Diploma in CBT: https://skillsdevelopment.co.uk/certificates/cbt_diploma/
Course Tutor
Recommended Materials

Case Formulation and Exposure & Response Prevention for Social Anxiety - 2 CPD Hours
Social Anxiety is one of the most common mental health problems affecting approximately one in eight people during the course of their life. This video covers two key aspects of its treatment - firstly the development and importance of a shared case formulation with the client (Joanne) and secondly the key role of exposure and the elimination of safety behaviours in its successful treatment using a well-researched CBT approach. In the case illustration fear of blushing along with the associated safety behaviours of heavy makeup use, covering of the face with hair and clothes and their elimination are examined. Detailed guidance and discussion is provided as part of the post session discussion along with its clear demonstration in work with Joanne.