Free Zoom Meetings Every Thursday
As you know, the vast majority of our training is now available in “Work from Home” online format. Some courses are with LIVE support from the Tutor, and some are not. We felt that people who choose to train via self-learning modules should not be deprived of the opportunity to connect with their tutor, ask questions and seek advice. Furthermore, at a time of social isolation, we felt that providing you with an opportunity of a face-to-face conversation with your tutor is incredibly important.
That is why starting THIS THURSDAY, we are running FREE ZOOM MEETINGS with Professor Paul Grantham and other SDS Tutors – OPEN FOR ALL.
Currently we’ve booked dates until 16 July 2020, but we will be reviewing these as the situation develops.
The first session:
2 April 2020, 7 PM UK time
THERAPIST SURVIVAL & COVID-19 with Paul Grantham
An introductory FREE open Zoom meeting to explore how everyone is surviving in the new COVID-19 world we live in. Discover how other colleagues are managing plus an opportunity for support and practical tips
Have you got too many clients now? Too few? How are you communicating? Still face-to-face or distance methods? What methods are you using? Zoom vs Skype vs Telephone vs Others How are clients responding to these changes? Length - 40 min.
Permanent meeting ID: 645-683-289
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/645683289
This link will work for all subsequent events.
Subsequent Sessions in April 2020:
Next Session
9 April 2020
COVID-19, CBT & Health Anxieties
Not surprisingly Health Anxieties are already becoming a prominent problem being faced by therapists as a result of COVID-19. Luckily CBT has a lot of experience and suggestions as to how to help such clients. Paul Grantham will lead a discussion via a current case (Ronnie) whose anxiety regarding COVID-19 infection has led her to become both e anxious and overcontrolling with her children. Come and join the discussion.
16 April 2020
COVID-19 and Children with Dr Andrew Beck
Dr Andrew Beck, BABCP President Elect and the creator of SDS' BPS Approved Certificate in CBT for Children and Adolescents will join us for this session to answer your questions. Please submit your questions in advance to Dr Julia Budnik
23 April 2020
Zoom session with Professor Windy Dryden on SST
Professor Windy Dryden will join us for this session to talk about Single Session Therapy and answer all your questions about it. Please submit your questions in advance to Dr Julia Budnik
30 April 2020
One of our FREE tutor support meetings for all delegates who have attended CBT with Phobias training or those who are planning to. A chance to raise ANY questions, practice based or theoretical that working with this problem raises inc. specific issues related to COVID-19, practical problems with hierarchy construction, issues of client motivation and co-morbid problems such as panic attacks and alcohol use. PLUS important points regarding Case Formulation in the field.