Course Brief
This one day course covers issues of definitions and co-morbidity of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Foa’s theory of OCD, assessment and formulation, along with a range of CBT interventions as they apply to OCD. The live course addresses all the essentials of this work and outlines the new developments and approaches occurring in the field in the last few years.
This one day course covers issues of definitions and co-morbidity of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Foa’s theory of OCD, assessment and formulation, along with a range of CBT interventions as they apply to OCD. The live course addresses all the essentials of this work and outlines the new developments and approaches occurring in the field in the last few years.
Issues covered include:
- OCD presentations and co-morbidity
- Assessment and standard outcome measures including OCI
- Introduction to Salkovskis’ and Wells’ models of OCD
- Extinction response prevention treatment programmes
- The role of cognitive factors in OCD
- Common cognitive biases in OCD
- Thought-Action fusion and Thought-Object fusion
- Inflated sense of responsibility and power
- Internal safety seeking and compulsive behaviours
- Normalising intrusive thoughts
- The use of behavioural experiments with OCD
- Updates and New Developments
If you've done this course with us in the past and want to attend it again as a refresher - you might be entitled to a 50% discount. Contact the office info@sds-seminars.com to check the records we hold for you and whether this discount is available to you.
This course is part of the training programme that enables you to complete the BPS Approved Master Practitioner Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.
You can build up gradually your CBT training portfolio by attending all the courses within the programme at the pace that suits you. All your training hours will be calculated, recorded in an individual validated log and accumulated towards your full Diploma.
This Course is now available as a full recording with an online test via SDS Online Video Training (OVT)
Title: Working with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Modality: CBT
CPD Hours Attached: 7 CPD Hours
Click here for the full SDS Accreditation terms for the BPS Approved Master Practitioner Diploma in CBT: https://skillsdevelopment.co.uk/certificates/cbt_diploma/
Course Tutor
Recommended Materials

Exposure & Response Prevention for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - 2 CPD Hours
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is one of the most disabling mental health problems. However, there is also an excellent research base supporting the effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in enabling clients to overcome this. Treatment consists of the identification of triggers to the obsessive thoughts (typically thoughts of a specified or unspecified disaster) and exposure to them. This is combined with “response prevention” i.e. resistance to engaging in the compulsive behaviour that such obsessive thoughts typically trigger. Detailed guidance illustrated with a particular case (Carl) demonstrates how this technique can be effectively used.