SDS Accreditation in Clinical Supervision Level 2 - Online Exam

Can be taken as an individual course or as a part of:

0 days

Course Brief


This is an online exam to be taken after the first module of the BPS Approved Certificate in Clinical Supervision - Essential Supervision Skills (2-day course).


This is an online exam to be taken after the first module of the BPS Approved Certificate in Clinical Supervision - Essential Supervision Skills (2-day course).

This online exams comes with CPD hours - 4

You will be able to print your own Certificate of Completion.

This exam cannot be booked without Completion of the first module:

Essential Supervision Skills


Online Exam

4 CPD Hours

This exam cannot be booked without Completion of the first module:

Essential Supervision Skills

Accreditation for BPS Approved Certificate in Clinical Supervision

SDS Accreditation in Clinical Supervision, Level 1 (Foundation) is the level of accreditation you obtain by attending the SDS Essential Supervision Skills course (BPS Approved Certificate in Clinical Supervision) - this course via live training or live/recorded webcast.

This level of accreditation gives you a Certificate of Attendance, as well as access to the course materials and other resources, and enables you to state in your CV that you have SDS Accreditation in Clinical Supervision Level 1 (Foundation).

Your accreditation currently lasts for 3 years, after which you cannot make the above statements and access course resources. This level of accreditation is renewable by continuing SDS training in Clinical Supervision to higher levels of Accreditation and afterwards - attending the follow-up courses.

SDS Accreditation in Clinical Supervision, Level 2 (Assessed Academic Competence) means you have undertaken training as in Level 1, and also passed the online exam.

This level of accreditation gives you a Certificate of Completion with Assessed Academic Competence, as well as access to the course materials and other resources. It also enables you to state in your CV that you have SDS Accreditation in Clinical Supervision Level 2 (Assessed Academic Competence) and can use qualification, CSAccred.(AAC) in your title.

Your accreditation currently lasts 3 years. This level of accreditation is renewable by continuing SDS training in Clinical Supervision to higher levels of Accreditation and afterwards - attending the follow-up courses.

SDS Accreditation in Clinical Supervision, Level 3 (Advanced) is as Level 2, with the addition of completing an Advanced Supervision Course covering Clinical Supervision for Supervisors, Group Clinical Supervision and Conducting Internet Based Supervision.

This level of accreditation gives you a Certificate of Completion (Advanced) with Assessed Academic and Clinical Competence, as well as an access to the course materials and other resources. It also enables you to state in your CV that you have SDS Accreditation in Clinical Supervision Level 3 (Advanced) with Assessed Academic and Clinical Competence and use the qualification, CSAccred.(Advanced) in your title.

Your accreditation currently lasts 3 years. This level of accreditation is renewable by continuing SDS training in Clinical Supervision to higher levels of Accreditation and afterwards - attending the follow-up courses.

Click here to book the first three modules of the Certificate at once and save.

SDS Accreditation in Clinical Supervision, Level 4 (Clinical Proficiency) is as Level 3, with the addition of:

  • Submitting a project of an acceptable standard (3,000 words). The purpose of the project is to illustrate that you can apply the academic knowledge gained from the course to practical clinical supervision situations. The project should follow one of the formats below:
    • A small quantitative research project examining an aspect of the supervision process. Prior experience and knowledge of simple experimental design and statistical analysis is required. The clinical supervision field is largely “a green field” site with multiple unaddressed questions both regarding process and especially outcomes. The “write up” should BROADLY follow the format indicated in university guides to writing up psychology research projects.
    • A qualitative report comparing either the published research and/or content of the SDS Level 1 course to the delegate’s own experience as a supervisor.
      • Similarities and differences between research/academic content and supervisor experience should be highlighted and discussed.
      • External (e.g. organisational/professional body) and internal (e.g. emotional/ethical) constraints on supervisor behaviour should be illustrated along with how those constraints were managed.
      • Similarities and differences between supervisor and supervisee experience should be illustrated along with its implications for the supervision process
      • Learning points from the above should be indicated along with how this will influence the supervisor’s subsequent practice
    • Submitting of a record of regular (no fewer than 4 times a year) supervision sessions “Supervision for Supervisors”. Book your Supervision for Supervisors sessions here.

This level of accreditation gives you a Certificate of Completion with Clinical Proficiency, as well as access to the course materials and other resources. It also enables you to state in your CV that you have SDS Accreditation in Clinical Supervision Level 4 (Clinical Proficiency) with Assessed Academic and Clinical Competence and use the qualification, CSAccred.(CP) in your title.

Also at this level you can gain Access to SDS’ Network of Qualified Clinical Supervisors.

Your Level 4 accreditation currently lasts 5 years. This level of accreditation is renewable by continuous Supervision for Supervisors and attending the SDS follow-up courses for Clinical Supervisors.

Available Follow Up Courses:

Course Tutor

Paul Grantham
Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Founder and Director of SDS Seminars, a Senior Associate of The Royal Society of Medicine, Accredited CBT Therapist

Paul Grantham, Chartered Clinical Psychologist, a Senior Associate of The Royal Society of Medicine, Accredited CBT Therapist. He is the Founder and Director of SDS Ltd and one of the most popular and inspirational tutors in the field of psychological skills training.