
Breaking News: Have you seen the latest issue of The Psychologist?


The latest issue of The Psychologist (December 2019) features a long interview with the Founder and Director of SDS Seminars, Paul Grantham.

On a two-page spread for the first time Paul talks sincerely and openly about his upbringing, the challenges of being a working-class lad going to Oxford and an undergrad student, his search for the way forward after the university, his work in the NHS and the eventual creation of SDS Seminars as a result of many years of practice, research and teaching. As you read the article, you’ll understand Paul much better – his drive for innovation, his highly independent opinions, his ability to think outside the box.

He frankly shares his thoughts on the future of Clinical Psychology and psychological treatments in a broader sense, as well as on the future of SDS Seminars as well as his own. What issues do you see your audience grappling with?

‘There are many things that fascinate our participants; they fascinate me as well. For example, CBT has squeezed out other evidence-based psychotherapy modalities – I’m interested in why. I don’t know why Motivational Interviewing, for instance, hasn’t grown as fast as CBT. I personally use different approaches depending on the client I am working with. I strongly believe in broadening one’s therapeutic toolkit, not narrowing it. Evidence-based practice may now be a piece of jargon, but the idea is important, and outcome research must use evidence. Context is important too.’

Read this article, and – perhaps – it will bring more questions to your mind. Write to us, and I’ll make sure that Paul answers them – in a video interview or his future emails to you.