The Intimacy of a New Type of Therapy Training
The team at SDS Seminars have moved heaven and earth over the last two weeks in response to the effects of COVID-19. The biggest challenge has been moving a PACKED live training programme online with minimal disruption. One thing our fab IT team have done is adapt our Interactive Webcasting System (IWS) to take recent recordings of training events and run them with LIVE discussion and support from the presenter in their own home - Live Interactive Recording (LIR). As a trainer, it’s been weird to interact LIVE ONLINE with delegates whilst WATCHING MYSELF training them on video and contributing to my own comments. It’s been a grilling job, believe me. I’ve answered more questions in greater depth than ever before and couldn’t leave my computer screen for a moment!
The experience however has been amazing and incredibly rewarding. I’ve been able to address individual questions and comments even more successfully than in any face-to-face training. Why?
- Because as I lead the training in the video recording, I’m able to address the often (more time consuming) detailed individual issues that delegates raise. Details relating not only to content but also demonstrations and practice.
- I can even source additional new resources for people online before providing them with fuller answers.
- I can spend 10 mins with one or two delegates on a specialist issue that we’d never have the time to address in face-to-face training.
As a result, I’ve felt we become even closer as a group than we would have done simply spending days together face-to-face. People started referring to the group as a TEAM – and it was the greatest reward of the day for me.
The group’s feedback seems to confirm this in exactly the same way:
“Thank you Paul for a very interesting three days . I will be watching parts of them again to help me digest everything .” R.T.
“Thank you Paul for the wonderful session on CBT. Thanks to everyone as well.” R.K.D “Thanks for this Paul and SDS team! Thoroughly enjoyed the course. A lot to process, I am sure I will be coming back for more courses in the future!” R.J. "I have been using different components of CBT throughout my practice as Educational Psychologist since 2008, but this Introduction to CBT course has really given me a fuller picture, and helped me draw the treads together. I am more confident after this in taking on certain clients which I might have been nervous to take on before. So, this course has been very practical and I can use it straight away. Paul knows what he is talking about and I have learnt many things that I didn't know before. Being so far away from England, I have missed out on many CPD courses that could bring value to my practice. After taking this course on webcast, I now realize that these professional development courses are available, and the learning is just as effective as being there in person. The webcast was well organized and being a little tech nervous, I was supported throughout." Cheng Yi Tan, Chartered Educational Psychologist, Hcpc, UK Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
There’s an additional plus:
- everyone can access the video for a further 60 days,
- and email me ANY questions at all regarding the course for 28 days afterwards!
So… if you’re looking for one of the most immersive and positive learning experiences, you’ve got lots of other opportunities coming up:
Come and join us and your colleagues and feel connected as never before.
Paul Grantham