Save the Dates - SDS Thursdays
After a short summer recess our hugely popular SDS Thursdays on Zoom are back! Save the dates:
03 September 2020 - with Dr Andrew Beck, BABCP President, on How to Prevent Therapist Burnout
17 September 2020 - with Professor Nuno Ferreira on the Essential ACT Toolkit
01 October 2020 - with Deb Dana, LCSW, a clinician and consultant specialising in working with complex trauma and Coordinator of the Traumatic Stress Research Consortium at the Kinsey Institute, Indiana University, on polyvagal theory in work with trauma survivors.
15 April 2021 - with Professor Paul Grantham on Impostor Syndrome Paul Grantham will present a brand new BPS Approved Certificate in Working with Non-Diagnostic Psychological Problems called "Integrated CBT for Common Life Challenges". It will consist of several modules. 'Impostor Syndrome and How to Work with It' - the topic of the first module and today's free session.
29 April 2021 - with Linda Graham on Resilience in Challenging Times Linda Graham’s “Bouncing Back-Rewiring Your Brain For Maximum Resilience & Well-Being” is the winner of two international Book Awards and the basis for her practical training on Resilience. She’ is leading a special THREE part event with SDS Seminars on Building Resilience in Challenging Times: Helping Clients Cope with Adversity, Loss, Stress and Trauma starting on 19 May 2021. Tonight you can get a flavour of this training.
13 May 2021 - with Professor Paul Grantham on Working with Low Self-Esteem This is another topic from a brand new BPS Approved Certificate in Working with Non-Diagnostic Psychological Problems called "Integrated CBT for Common Life Challenges". Tonight Paul will present to you his approach to working with client's self-esteem issues.
27 May 2021 - with the Founder of National Centre for Eating Disorders Deanne Goddard Deanne is a well-known expert in the field of Eating Disorders. Tonight she will give a detailed overview of risk assessment for Eating Disorders.
3 June 2021 - with Professor Nuno Ferreira on "Passengers on the bus - an introduction to ACT organizing metaphors" Nuno Ferreira works regularly with SDS Seminars, and will be leading an experiential BPS Approved 3 day-workshop on ACT for us in June. In tonight's session he will share "Passengers on the bus" technique that will be helpful in your everyday practice.
Start time - 19.00 UK time.
Duration - 45 min approx.
Registration required! Register on the Home page of SDS website under "Join our community to receive news and promotions".
See you there, these meetings are absolutely free!