SDS Thursdays 2025 | Updated
Our hugely popular SDS Thursdays continue to attract large audiences, and we are delighted to confirm new dates for 2025! The sessions are hosted by Dr Julia Budnik and led by Prof Paul Grantham, widely regarded as one of the UK’s best tutors on the selected topics. We will also continue to invite select guests to take part in our meetings. Join us live on Thursdays at 19.00 on Zoom, bring your questions on the topics and make these sessions into useful mini-tutorials.
2025 Update:
Starting in 2025, we will continue to host Live SDS Thursdays for free, as before. However, the full recorded versions will no longer be uploaded to our free YouTube channel, but will instead be available exclusively to SDS Priority Members. This change aims to encourage more people to participate in the live sessions and will allow Members to receive a CPD certificate for the selected trainings as part of their Priority Membership.
To join SDS Priority Membership - CLICK 'JOIN' TAB VIA THIS LINK.
Save the dates for Live SDS Thursdays 2025:
16 January 2025 | Procrastination and Depression: A Chicken and Egg Dilemma | With Paul Grantham
Paul is the author of a "I Want to Stop Procrastinating Now" Programme, that has been published as a successful book as well as been running as a two-day training course for a number of years. The programme is packed with fresh ideas and gives the participants a clear, step-by-step guide to dealing with their procrastination. The course is running again at the end of January, but tonight it is your chance to meet Paul and discover why his take on the relationship between procrastination and depression - including an experiential exercise - all within 45 mins. Participate, ask questions, comment in the chat box - let this Thursday be the first step of you path away from procrastination.
13 February 2025 | Meet Your Tutor: Professor Nuno Ferreira on what is ACT and how to use it with your clients | Q&As with Nuno Ferreira
Nuno leads the BPS Approved Certificate in Acceptance & Commitment Therapy, which will run fully LIVE in 2025. He also delivers a series of Masterclasses each year. As one of the most popular SDS tutors, Nuno invites you to meet him tonight. This is your chance to ask everything you want to know about ACT before booking one of his courses!
6 March 2025 | Can CBT Work with Autistic Clients? | With Paul Grantham
Whatever course we offer, the most common question we receive from participants these days is whether it will work with autistic clients. To address this, Paul has created a brand-new short course on applying CBT with autistic clients. Tonight's SDS Thursday session will give you a preview of what the course has to offer, as well as an opportunity to meet the tutor and ask any questions before booking the full course.
Now on YouTube @ SDS Psychotherapy Training
Full Versions for Members:
Psychotherapy Greats: Carl Rogers | With Andrew Reeves and Paul Grantham
Trauma: Complex Trauma in Adults & Children, Use of CBT with Dr Andrew Beck
Free Access:
NEW! A Complex Trauma Masterclass | With Paul Grantham
Healing Through Humour Meet Internationally Acclaimed writer/comedian Alison Larkin and Learn about her Approach to Grief and Loss
Narcissism: What you probably didn't know Presentation and Quiz with Paul Grantham
Do you have a book in you? | By popular demand. Navigate the treacherous sea of self-publishing with Julia B. Grantham, the author of two recent Amazon best-sellers for children A Mole Like No Other and Moley and the Mysterious Sea Turtles and publish your first book!
Are you familiar with Mruk's Model of Self Esteem? A presentation and discussion with Paul Grantham
Cultural Competency and CBT with the Hong Kong Chinese Community A recent article by Paul Grantham's supervisee, Dr Kwun Chang.
Should trigger warnings be abolished and why? Presentation and Discussion with Paul Grantham
Psychotherapy Greats: Steve De Shazer’s Anniversary Video illustration & Discussion with Paul Grantham
Acceptance or Change? Are you focusing on the right thing with your clients? | Q&A with Paul Grantham
Impostor Syndrome, Safety Behaviours and how to tackle them | Presentation & Large Group Exercise with Paul Grantham
Therapy in the Spotlight – How do we know if therapy works or whether it damages | New Scientist article with Paul Grantham
SDS Christmas Special | New Adventures of Moley and What He’s Got to do with Psychotherapy | Interview with Author Julia B. Grantham
One technique that will reduce procrastination more than any other | Presentation & Large Group Exercise with Paul Grantham
Want to get more out of your supervisor? Here’s how! | Presentation and Q&A with Dr Andrew Beck
Clinical Supervision Recent Research Results | Q&As with Alan Smithson and Paul Grantham
And many MANY others since 2020 - Watch, Learn, Subscribe, Like, Comment
Registration required! Register on the Home page of SDS website (blue background) under "Sign up here for SDS Thursdays & to receive our news and promotions"
For our latest offers CLICK HERE
See you there, these meetings are absolutely free!